Cum să-ți începi călătoria spirituală
Ești gata să-ți schimbi viața? Începe-ți călătoria spirituală ACUM!...
Experimentati diagrama dumneavoastra, bazata pe energia pe care ati ales-o...
Introductiva Gratuita
Cand ne intalnim pentru prima data, fie ca este online...

Interesul meu pentru astrologie dateaza inca din adolescenta.
Nu as putea spune precis cand a inceput, insa am urmarit tranzitul pe harta mea natala si am urmarit ce evenimente au avut loc in viata mea, pe parcurusul acesteia.
Scopul meu este sa va ghidez atat pe plan mental, cat si spiritual astfel incat sa gasiti cele mai potrivite solutii.
Serviciile mele
Cum pot aduce ceva diferit in viata ta?
- Metoda de ascultare terapeutica este o ascultare activa, repet ce am auzit eu si scot in evidenta toate partile ascunse ale unei situatii
- Desfac si descurc povestea vietii tale astfel incat sa gasim factorii declansatori si oportunitatile
- Impart o situatie in pasi usor de abordat
- Abordez un subiect dintr-o perspectiva mai inalta si din toate unghiurile posibile
- Eliberez si curat campul energetic de ceea ce nu mai este necesar
- Fac loc pentru noi metode, noi oportunitati si noi posibilitati

Trimite-mi un mesaj si vei afla mai multe despre ce pot face
Ce spun clientii
Working with Monika is not only an opportunity for personal development and growth, it is a priviledge. Whether it s Therapy, Astrology or Coaching what you get is not only a professional approach and an incredible experience. You get so many valuable perspectives: the shamanic spirit, the former business women’s mindset, the innate wisdom & kindness and a great sense of humour in an austrian-romanian shape. I love working with Monika as I cherrish the great person she is and her authentic way of sharing, supporting and guinding other souls into becoming their true selves.
When I did a session of experiential astrology with Monika, I was ready to open new doors and to walk a new path. We did the first steps together and now I move by myself, fearless and with great dedication. On a more tricky crossroad I applied for a coaching session and again, I got just what I needed. i would apply to Monika any time again if I need support.
Monika is a true example of following the live dream. After a succesfull career in management in agri business, with excellent results, she developped herself toward holistic approach of helping people in their development and soul healing. She is 100% authentic and with intelligence, and experience, guides the people around her, in a delicate way toward their dreams too. A woman with eyes sparkling and always smiling, she is a mentor which continuously inspires. Wayra Astrae, her business made out of passion, is a place where everyone could find himself and find holistic answers to their questions….
With just one session Monika inspired me with a lot of positive thought. I appreciate her valuable time.