What is it that we call prosperity? To me it is more a feeling, a sensation, a knowing, rather than material wealth or goods.
I came to Romania in 1988, there was clearly no prosperity. When the country opened to the world, end of 1989, an immensive feeling of prosperity started to cover all the areas and people. Every day was better than the day before. Even if for many and maybe also for myself, the development seemed slow, it was there and I am most grateful that I have lived here during this change.
Prosperity in that context meant the possibility to grow to enlarge, to do new things, to open up to endless possibilities. Even people had no more wealth, no more money, the feeling totally changed and it was like waves of enthusiasm moving over the country and taking everyone with them. Certainly, there also came the wake-up call to reality and seeing that there are after all limitations and not every growth is automaticallhy leading to the expected benefits or is long-lasting. Still, to me, in Romania, even today, prosperity prevails and it is everybody’s choice to tap into that river or to remain in a cocoon of scarcity.
Living prosperity or scarcity is our own choice. That sounds cruel, but it is true. When I say choice, I do not mean that we are able to change our choice in an instant. We might be so entangled in our belief of scarcity, that we do not yet see a way out. I am not pointing fingers here and all is learning. So, learning is also to live in scarcity, until we find a way out. It is like staying in darkness, then you are sure that there is no sun out there anywhere, you cannot even imagine the light of the sun. If you live in a cave, that cave is your reality and this reality does not make you stupid or guilty. One day you will feel the calling of the light and then you start searching for it and will eventually find it.
I think we all have our limitations, areas where we live in scarcity. These are our limiting beliefs! At the same time, we have our areas of prosperity, where we feel we are within the flow of live and things move easy. The question is: What do we feed? Which of these areas have our attention?
Let’s start to feed the river of prosperity, give it all our attention and let the river of scarcity dry out by itself.
Easier said than done – clearly – but not impossible!
Like so many ways of change, we change in very small steps. Even theoretically it is still winter, here in Bucharest the smell of spring is already present and the temperatures are ahead of time. Maybe only for a few warmer days, but we know the light gets stronger every day and springtime will succeed over the cold winter. We can feel the plants waking up and grow new life. This is prosperity! Take part in this feeling of growing, of flourishing. Let yourselves fully into that river of abundance of spring and you will see that things around you in your own life will prosper. Give your attention to what works and take it away from your negative thoughts. Surround yourself with people that can hold a torch in the darkness, do something only for you. Enjoy every bit of your life that is bright and pleasant. Search for those moments of beauty, calm and balance within yourself.
Stop comparing yourself and see the uniqueness in you!
Prosperity is always a subject to reflect upon. I was reminded because Anca Stefanescu chose it for her workshop of Light Grid Mandalas and Theta Healing on February 17, 2024. But even if you cannot make it to the experience with Anca, I wish you live your moments of prosperity and let them grow into hours, days, months and years.
Have a prosperous life!
Bucharest, 10.2.2024 – new moon in Aquarius
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