I have already talked about the beautiful hinduistic energyin Bali and the incredible water experience I had there.
This is about the astrology teachings and learnings with Kaypacha and a group of people ready to dive in and take out the most.
When the subject is Pluto, the Moon’s Nodes and the Moon, it is clear that we are talking about our soul’s journey from lifetime to lifetime, what we are taking with us and what we are supposed to leave behind. What we are taking on and what we want to add during a lifetime.
Now, at the brink of Pluto entering Aquarius is is just the right time to look back over the last 20 years and see what the transit of Pluto through Capricorn brought us and look forward to what the next 20 years, while Pluto will transit Aquarius will teach us.
In Capricorn, governed by Saturn we are talking about building responsibility and structure, becoming an authority. This zodiac also stands for the last 6000 years of patriarchy and all the governing principles that come out of this. Now, look back and see what happened in your life!
- What structures in form of old behavier and institutions did you leave behind
- Did you do this willingly and in a flow or did you resist and suffer from loosing known positions and ways to lead your life
- How is it now for you? Are you happy to have gone through this process? Is it still hurting, are you still suffering? Do you see the evolutionary process in all that happened or do you blame others, the circumstances or the government for your situation?
- Where is Capricorn in your chart and how are you working with this energy?
- I also put the question there for myself, do I choose Saturn or do I choose Jupiter/Pluto (I have them conjunct and it difficult for me to separate them)? Who do you choose?

I could go on with many more questions, but I think you got the idea, especially if you are really re-rolling that film of your last 20 years and our last 20 years on our planet.
For me, the most iconic event of demolishing old structures was when Notre Dame burned. In one night, an old ingrained structure, a symbol of catholism and patriachism in all the world, came down, dissappeared from the landscape of Paris.
Imagine this would have happened to the catholic cathedral of Bucharest! Most probably not even the neighbouring countries would have mentioned more than one remark. Notre Dame and perhaps St. Peter’s cathedral in Vatican are the most powerful churches in the world. The choice was perfect!
Do not understand me wrong, I also love the art and architecture of Notre Dame. It is a tragedy to not have it anymore.
Symbolically it was one of the two best choices. Immediately after the news came out, all the world wanted to have it rebuilt in its old glory and money was pouring in to help the rebuilt.
Is this not what we are often doing when something ends or when something was taken from us? We use all our energy to re-instal it, to re-built? Would it not be better to ask why it came to pass in the first place and replace it with something new, something fitting to the times to come?
It does not matter now, if and how and when Notre Dame is rebuilt, I am talking symbolism here. We can clearly see that an old structure, a most patriarch structure came down in one night.
This is the plutonian energy in Capricorn. How many other old structures and ingrained authorities came down the last 20 years or transformed in a way that we would never have anticipated?
Crossing over to Aquarius is a totally different energy. Forget about the Hippy movement and their praising the age of Aquarius with love and peace. That was necessary in the 60s, nothing to do with the archetype of Aquarius. We are going into changing our communities. Here I think we have to understand that it is not enough to have better politicians, people in charge that are not so corrupt and not stealing so much from their nations. Aquarius asks for a totally different kind of community and this can only come by replacement. The age of Aquarius will be over the next 2000 years or so, but Pluto in Aquarius will open all the gates for the new age to come in.

We are talking about revolutionaly technical invention, a need for mutual respect not connected to position and income. The evolutionaly impact of Pluto in Aquarius will be huge on our understanding of life on earth.
Sounds a bit scary and very exciting. I am very grateful to be human during this process. I have a good chance to live the next 20 years and see the changes installed. I also have a good chance to see the people who bring this new quality on earth as already some of them come to my astrology practice.
By the way, astrology is governed by Uranus and Uranus governs Aquarius.
The Uranian energy anywhere in our chart is not an easy-going, flowy energy. Uranus brings chaos before understanding and accepting, sudden changes that will let us see things that we would never have seen before. He is not playing small and always connected to higher consciousness.
In Bali we explored Pluto in our charts and we looked at where Aquarius is in our chart. We worked with all the aspects that Pluto, the Moon’s Nodes and the Moon have and we looked at where we are coming from, who we are and where we are going to. The rest is Kaypacha-experience. Follow his Youtube channel if you want to follow his weekly Pele report and you will tune in to this experience.
If you are curious, contact me for reading your chart, I do this in english, romanian and german, in person and online!
See you on the path!
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