Easter is always a very difficult time for me as I identify a lot with the light of Jesus Christ. He is the light I am following and he was murdered and we are celebrating this. That in short is my dilemma.
Please do not come with the resurrection story, as we all go back into the light. Souls were going into the light before him, nothing has changed due to his death. Would we have been aware of our going into the light without him showing the way? I do not know the answer and I tend to believe that his death was not a sacrifice, it was simply murder for power and ego of those who were in power then.
So, for me, instead of celebrating his death, I want to celebrate his life and his light.
After I moved to the orthodox christian world around 36 years ago, I started to ignore the katholic easter and this year I was happy to escape from the orthodox as well, due to travelling to the domain of another religion. But – there was this invitation to visit the wineries in northern Spain end of March!
As I said in many other blog articles, the universe has its own way to bring you to a place you do not have the slightest intention to go.

Out of 2 weeks excursion, we went for the first week, for the wineries only, no tourism otherwise in northern Spain. After we bought the tickets, it was discovered that the first week falls into the holy katholic week and all wineries are closed. So, instead of wine tasting, we are in for tourism and since I am part of a group, I find myself in Santiago de Compostela during eastertime.
The first day I surrounded the cathedral but I did not enter. Today I visited the cathedral – if I am brought here, it is clear that I have work to do here. I was sitting and waiting for something to happen – nothing happened. The cathedral is a wonderful building and not even the baroque altar stirred any aversion. I spent some time there, visiting all corners and asking Jesus to show me what I have to see or feel or understand – nothing – it was neither pleasant nor unpleasant.
Many years ago, when I started to clear my history with the church, I wanted to become indifferent, no hate and no love.
When we are in love with someone or something or we hate someone or something, the connection is the same, we are not free. Freedom is when you are indifferent, when you can make your own decisions, not influenced by the feelings or emotions you have for someone or something. I do not want to say that falling in love or being in love is not a wonderful thing. This is onlyu from the perspective of taking decisions and being free from the influence of emotions and fellings
Freeing myself from old entaglements, from limiting beliefs and coming to decision only guided by my own soul’s evolution is the big one that I want to reach in this life.
Thank you, universe for guiding me here, for this lesson and thank you for the wonderful time, company and celebrations in northern Spain. It rains a lot and it is cold and it is cleansing and clearing and I will go home much lighter, even if the weigh will show the opposite!
March 30, 2024
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