I will begin by stating that women and men have masculine and feminine parts. As we live in patriarchy since about 6000 years, women learned to work with their masculine side, while most men do not even recognise that they have a feminine side.
Our understanding of masculine – and of course we do not have all the same understanding – is thorouly twisted and destorted, the same goes for the feminine. When our mothers/grandmothers wanted us to be more feminine, the were talking about a skirt, a dress and/or high heels not to find our inner power and express ourselves.
How do we find the right balance is the main question during these times of change.
What we reject in ourselves, we are searching ouside of us, especially in our close relationships. That is one of the reasons why women who embrace their masculine side have more difficulties to find a parter. Many men want their feminine side refleced by the feminine partner. Not that women who have integrated their masculine do not have a feminine side, but it is in balance or at least in better balance with their masculine and one in balance with one out of balance does not match very well.
My thoughts here are not about men and women, but about feminine and masculine. So, for a while let’s get away from the daily struggle between the sexes and let’s look into the larger picture.
The healed or authentic feminine: is dark, earthy, fertile, all-including, in flow, creating, growing, shelteriing, home, sensitive, knowing, nourishing, feeding, emotional, feeling, sensing, seeing, mysterious and magic, connecting and binding, reaction and reflection.
Before I even start to unpick these phrases, I want to say that the healed, the sacred feminine is not weak. Just look at the godesses of old. The first ever mentioned female in the Old Testament is Lilith. Do you think she was weak? Hekate, Isis, Ishtar, Bridget, Kali, Maria Magdalena, Diana, Pallas Athene, Aphrodite and many more, do you think they were weak? I would say, for sure not!
The sacred feminine has power and not only the power to create, she has the power to heal, to nourish, to care to enclose and to bring together. To create magic and to be mysterious, all accompassing and all encircling.
What would be the healed feminine?
- Living the power of all the above despricptions of the feminine
- Knowing of the inner power and bringing balance
- Become the midwife to all creation
- Make the land fertile to receive the seed
- Nourish and feed
- Be the fountain, the river, the ocean, the clouds the rain and snow
- The sacred vessel of creation
The feminine creates the environment for the masculine seed to grow. This is the basic dance between these two energies. The healed state is that state where both energies are embraced and become whole.
The healed or authentic masculine is the sacred fire, the combust, the engine, structure and order, action, care and protection, willpower, the ignition, the seed, knowledge and wisdom, strategy, long term.
Strength and ignition come from within. The masculine sees the whole and acts in care for the whole. At the sacred fire the masculine is on the outside looking in, protecting the past and the future and the masculine energy is the fire at the same time, the center, looking out. This is the assertive, extrovert and creative energy within us.
What would be the healed masculine:
- Power from within
- Seeing and overlooking the whole
- Acting for the whole good
- Protecting the future, the seeds and the community
- Respect for life and nature
- Fatherhood of all creation
- Keeper of the sacred fire, time and space
- Building strength in the community
- Assisting growth in the community and offspring
- Holding sacred space for the time to come
- Creating an environment where the feminine can safely develop.
So, how far away are we from this? Just look around, there is deep misunderstanding of these principles about both, the feminine and the masculine. Look at our children’s and adolescence’s role models. Are they anything like the above? We are living in a time when we look at gender and we look at the feminine, much less the masculine. It is like we think that we understand the masculine. But do we really? We will neither go back to matriarchy nor will we sustain patriarchy for much longer. I am very curious what is to come and I do hope that I get at least a glimpse of it.
When I teach the medicine wheel, I find a lot of the above and we have more and more men joining, being curious about their feminine and more and more women, staring to understand that the feminine role models of the past are not what they want. Both sexes finding their own answers and starting to balance their energies. The energy and inner power obtained during a medicine wheel training is just wonderful and a huge step forward in understanding the depth of our soul beings.
During a session of experiential astrology I often take off a mask from a character and we all feel instantly the change of energy, often a relaxation and openness to see and hear what really is. We are working many times on the feminine and the masculine in family lines.
There are many ways to obtain that balance, the medicine wheel and experiential astrology is just one of them and it is also just a beginning, but what a wonderful beginning of a new path into a fulfilled life.
May we all have a fulfilled life and find our own path.
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