Kuias are stones and crystals initiated and used for healing in the andean traditions. Andean medicineman and -women work with their kuias to bring balance into the life of their client and by doing this initiate healing. If we are in balance within and without, we heal. We all have the capacity to heal and get back into balance and happiness. I am very grateful for learning their old traditions.
Limpia means clearing. The Kuia Limpia therapy clears blocked energy, emotional stress and trauma installed in the body as a memory. Those parts of our body that are inclined to weakness, illness and stress, are, where our traumas are stored. For some of us it is the digestive system that get affected when we have an emotional stress and for others it is the back that starts aching or gets blocked, or we are inclined to get a head ache or one of our joints is starting to swell. The body always tries to compensate our emotional state, our state of mind and especially what we feed ourselves with.
I learned in Romania that the old Dacian healers and medicine women did a kuia limpia with fresh eggs. The eggs, after taking up the unwanted energy would be buried in the garden, under a tree or under a bush.
In the Andean tradition, especially in Q’ero tradition this is done with 2 stones from the mesa, the medicine stones that are used for clearing and healing in all kinds of therapies. Those 2 stones are selected by their ability to work, one on the physical and one on the energetic body.
Kuia Limpia is said to be a massage, but not a sports massage, not on the skin, but through clothing. It is finding those areas on the body that need clearing by a slight touch with the stones. When I am offering Kuia Limpia, I let the stones find the places which need attention. It does not require talking, does not require questioning, there is no need to know anything about the client or the reasons she/he wants an energetic clearing.
Stones have been part of ceremonies since there are humans. Everywhere on earth are stone altars of old and many of the new religions. In South Africa ceremonial centers, made from stone circles since the beginning of humanity, have been recently discovered. In the Andean countries all altars are of stone and so the people work since ancient times with stones to bring healing and to perform ceremony for a better health and for a happy life. I can go through all continents and we will find holy rocks and holy mountains. There is something eternal in the energy of stone, something profound impartial and good.
I love stones and crystals and so there is not surprise that I work with them in a very deep cooperation. Judy Hall, who I contacted in the first place for her vast and deep knowledge of astology, taught me so much of her own experience and even if I just cannot reach her level of knowledge in this life, I keep trying.
Just leave me a note if you want to come for a Kuia Limpia therapy or learn more about stones and crystals and kuias in my work!
May you find the balance you need to lead a happy and fulfilled life!
Comments (2)
Very interesting concept, the healing with stones and crystals! Probably, there are as many different ways of healing with stones, as there are indigenous tribal cultures, and that is not a few… Another ancient tradition from the South Americas that I feel grateful and privileged to be learning about, the Lambayeque, teaches us kuia limpia therapy on the skin and shakras, and the aim is the same – energetic restoration, harmony, and happiness. It also has limpia with fresh eggs, interesting parallel there with the Dacian healers of old! Most likely, disease truly stems from energetic blockages of emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical origin, and the fact that many ancient cultures hold such therapies and wisdom at heart to me is a clear testament to their effectiveness – otherwise they would not have made it to this day through the centuries and countless generations of healers. Thank you for an enlightened and enlightening post, and for bringing this tradition to people who need it. Many greetings.
Thank you Henrik!🍀🍀🍀