When I was diagnosed with ambrosie or ragweed allergy, I could not believe that my body would react allergic to a plant! Me, who loves and admires plants of all kinds! Am I so disconnected to nature that my body cannot discern anymore friend from enemy?
My first reaction was ignoring the symptoms and just moving on. Did not work!
Then I started with anti-allergic meds – on bad days – did not work!
Then I took homeopatic medicine – did not work!
Several shamanic therapies brought change in my attitude and made me search much more profound, made me understand that this allergy is directing me to a healing path that will transform me and my family from deep within. I started to see the process, the necessity to learn and to heal.
After an asthmatic crisis my attention moved to treating and healing my lungs. Even if I have been against taking meds all my life, this time I took the medicine from a specialist.
There is a lot of sadness and pain in the family of my father, big losses and separations. In my own life, I still have my parents around me and they gave me everything I needed to grow and become a free spirit.
It always needs one that is ready to stop the suffering, one who has the guts to turn around, to look into the matter and let go.
In my ancestry, I am the one, I have full support of my ancestors, but I have to take the task and go through it.
There was the plan to go to Peru on a journey of learning and of doing ceremonies with some friends. Judy Hall always said „if you want to make god laugh, tell him your plans!”
Well it turned out that no one could join me at the time of our trip. That journey was all about healing the sadness and suffering in my fathers family line. I have cried more in those 3 weeks than all my life before and with the final ceremony at Amaru Muru, I laid that cause to rest.
After coming home, exhaused and very happy about the work that was done, a mentor of mine called for a shamanic healing session and to my own surprise I said ‚yes’. Surprise because I was sure all I had to do was done! It turned out that this ceremony was really the end of the suffering. Sometimes there is just a little bit left, but unless it is done, you cannot move on.
To activate the self healing and revealing in the body I turned to Somato-Psycho-Pedagogy Therapy with a wonderful therapist in Wayra Astrae. Together with her, in weekly sessions and accompanied by Past Life Therapy with another wonderful therapist, I went to the roots of the emotional stress that causes lung dis-eases.
The Somato-Psycho-Pedagogy Therapy and its main part, the Fascia Therapy, brings up those subjects to work on. Our body knows everything and even we grow a new body every lifetime, old traumas to a previous body are re-installed, unless energetically and/or consciously lifted. There are many known methods to do this. I did it my way.
If you would expect that a therapist can miraculously lift your problems and they are gone forever, I can say from my experience, that this is not happening. Through therapy I become aware of a condition, of a trauma, of an issue and then I work with it. It is on me to decide when and how I want to clear something from my body memory and from my energetic field.
Therapy is making me aware of what is and than I decide whether it is ok like this or I change it.
To come back to my lungs, I think that I have cleared all energetic blockages, healed all old stories, forgave and have been forgiven. Whether my lungs will recover during this llifetime, I do not know? What I know for sure is that I will not come back again with such a condition. My next body will not carry this old blueprint, it will grow healthy and strong lungs.
You can work with Somato-Psycho-Pedagogy Therapy to heal any kind of dis-ease or trauma. Give it time and be ready to listen to your body rathen than listen only to your mind.
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