I am referring to astrology, but most of what I am saying is natural law, known and used in many traditions.
Water comes in many forms, such as ice, snow crystals, clouds, raindrops, dew, rivers, lakes and oceans. It takes any form and it can be retraced easily but it will always flow towards the sea. It will always find its way to the ocean and there it unites with billions of other water drops to form a sea or an ocean. It is lovely to hear its sound in a spring or a mountain river, beautiful at the beach and devastating to have a heavy rainstorm or a tsunami. The element of water is feminine and like the feminine power, it is often underestimated. The power of water is like the power of the feminine, to be taken serious and to be respected.
The water element is feminine, soul, emotions, feelings, flow, the power of a steady flow, depth, deep knowing and deep learning, senses, seeing with the heart and the 3rd eye, flow, the desire to be in the flow of life and the knowing when the flow is interrupted.
The first water element in the chart is Cancer. Cancer is running through water and is a cardinal sign. Meaning it is creative, manifesting and always careful and protective. After the chaos created by a mutable sign, Cancer starts building from old and new. Here you find the strength of kindness and the power of empathy, without sacrifice. It has a fast and slow movement, creating safe space and protection for anything but especially for family and for family traditions.

The second water element in the chart is Scorpio. Scorpio is deep water also muddy water. Even if the water is clear, you cannot see the depth. Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning that what has been created and constructed will be preserved. The tendency is to hold on to what is and often the learning is to let go of what you no longer need. We hold on to what we know and are afraid of the change and of letting go. We are afraid of what comes after we let go, even if that what we hold on to is hurting us or blocking us. It takes courage and the influence of the mutable energy to really let go and welcome the new into our live.
The third water element is Pisces. Pisces has the quality of water but it really is ether. We dissolve into the ocean, we become one drop and all the ocean at the same time. There is no difference between me and you, me and a tree and me and the universe. Pisces is a mutable sign, means it dissolves what has been constructed and held on to. It spins us out of the known into the unknown and creates chaos. That fertile chaos out of which a cardinal sign can start to create and construct something new.
We are about 90 % water and water is e-motion. All that moves within us are emotions. We often try to control our emotions. Our today’s society suggests not to show emotions so that we are not considered weak. I say real strength is to show your emotions and accept them as they are. Being afraid is like an alarm clock. Only if we let this alarm ring all day, every day, we get out of balance. Being afraid, looking into that matter, taking a decision and moving on, does not move you out of balance. Being out of balance makes you ill. We are amazing beings and we can maintain a state of being out of balance and still function in our society. Only when we lost sight of balance, we start to show symptoms of psychical and physical imbalance. This is one of the ways we get ill. While illness can show us many things, it always started with getting out of balance.
Balance your water element within you and use your empathy and your connectedness for all there is in all your life experiences. Connect with all the divine within you and find divinity in all there is around you. As above so below is the sacred balance of the water energy.
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