Are you living an abundant life?
I do, but also there is a lot of room to improve. So, I am working on it and part of this work is connecting with my sense of abundance and trying to express myself.
What I write down here is how I address this subject. If you are interested, compare with your approach to this world or concept of abundance. Neither of us is right or wrong, we are different if at all!
A first step, a pre-condition so to say, is reciprocity. It is much easier for me to give than to receive. Being hesitant to receive interrupts, or even stops, the flow. Learning to receive, not only in a one-to-one situation, but very generally, is one of the challenges I struggle with. The moment I started this project of receiving, of reciprocity, of balance, the most important step was done. Now I am polishing the edges, but the main obstacles are overcome. Generosity and abundance flow and go hand in hand, like a river that dances over the stones, separates on greater boulders and unites again.
On one-to-one situations I had to learn to refuse to help and rescue and also to be available all the time, for whoever needs, while still thinking that I do not give enough.
Our society teaches to help, then you are good and then you are loved. I do not want to be considered egoistic, so I cared more for others than for myself – just to be on the safe side.
It was a very important step to learn appreciating myself and my abilities as something valuable that needs to be given with care and to demand respect. Some of my harshest lessons come from this corner. Also, I had to learn and I am still learning to give without expectance. Most of the time the universe gives back, not necessarily the person you offer your gifts or skills.
I begin to see reciprocity in a much wider scale than on one-to-one situations. I am available to let the universe give though me and I am willing to receive in many forms and shape. It also means that I do not hesitate to set a price for my services. It was quite difficult at the beginning of my new life in Wayra Astrae, to ask money for my therapies. A few lessons later, I understand the need to do this in order to be in the flow of reciprocity.
If reciprocity is the base for being in the spirit of abundance, I build up from there, generosity is the key to opening the doors and abundance can flood in.
As I have learned to receive, I got aware of the very generous teachers that I had and I could accept and appreciate their gifts even more. Handing over knowledge and wisdom freely, to whoever asks and is interested, without expecting that they use what they learned in a certain way, is my kind of generosity. Maybe therefore I got plenty of it.
My first thought goes out to Judy Hall, who was always ready to explain and to share her wisdom, while never expecting me to make a step forward a certain time or getting impatient if I did not use her gift immediately. But her very English way of saying ‘it was about time!’ after I did a step still makes me laugh. While expressing herself with English humor, she also expressed all her love and joy that I made a step forward.
So, what is abundance for you?
Abundance for me is present everywhere, in a smile, in a sunset, at a wild beach, a river, everything that soothes my eyes. It is in meeting people, being able to travel, in person and in spirit, enjoying foreign languages and habits. Connecting to the holy mountains of Peru while hiking at 100 meters in Greece, getting compliments from strangers, the attention of a stray dog, gifts from my husband and friends, clients in Wayra Astrae, being welcomed in a society, a wonderful discussion, reading an article and finding the common thread, reading an article and finding a very uncommon but interesting point of view, owning a piece of forest – young and wild and loving myself and feeling the connection to all there is, and so many more things.
While writing this down I realize that it would take more than the rest of this article to name all that I feel abundant in my life.
In simple words – I am grateful for everything and everybody in my life! This is my spirit of abundance!
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