Why am I here?
Why did you come into this life?
Why now?
Why here, where you are?
What drives you and what makes you shine?
What is it that really deeply satisfies you?
Do you know the answer to this questions? Are you searching?
We are all looking for love, acceptance and respect in some form. Let’s learn to give all this to ourselves, not because then we do not need it from outside anymore, but because then it comes from outside by itself.
There are many ways to find answers to these question and to learn to be ourselves, what we want to attract. One thing is for sure, nobody can do it for you. All therapies and workshops can give you a hand, but you have to step into your bliss yourself.
In my opinion searching for the answer to these questions is the only way to evolve, to give meaning to yourself and to enjoy life in all aspects.
Also, looking for answers, asking for assistance in the search is so much easier than staying in the drama, in accusation of others, the environment, the politicians, the difficult times and so on. Difficult is only to step our of the routine and start doing things differently.
Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life!
Good luck with all you want to do for yourself!

With Wayra Astrae and with finding a partner in this endeavour, a partner that would herself construct her future with our dream, I fulfilled myself a vision of what to construct after my professional life in business. Working for an international company was very rewarding for me – I just loved it – and when the time was right, I let go to step into another challenge.
Wayra Astrae is thought to be a center for complimentary therapies, for personal growth and for personal development. We started in 2017, opened in 2018 and now in 2021 we are working with individual therapists and we offer our own therapies. I find we are complete in offering ailment and therapies for body, mind, soul and spirit. Wayra Astrae is a place to be heard without being judged. We will propose a mix of therapies to you and we respect your personal time for doing them. There is no pushing you into something you are not ready for and there is no ‘knowing better’. We accompeny you in your process of getting better, waking up to your own happiness and bliss, abundance and prosperity.
Our center is open for collaboration with people who look for a space to hold their workshops and we are open to showcase from time to time products ‘Made in Romania’ by special artists and artisans.
I feel that we needed these 3 years to set up our structure because it is much needed to accompany people in their transition into a new life experience, living life fully and caring for each other in coming out of the shock of the pandemic.
I am offering experiential astrology, shamanic therapies, space clearing, shamanic ceremonies and live coaching. This is what I trained for, for years, besides my day job. My work experience, managing companies and leading and creating business, gives me the base line, the platform to accompany our clients in their personal or professional growth.
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