I am referring to astrology, but most of what I am saying is natural law, known and used in many traditions.
Air is masculine, is light-weighted, fluid, non-material, wind, thought, thinking process and thinking/learning capacity, the mind, breath and life force.
The air we breathe is the base for our life and our breath is our best introduction. In every moment of our life, our breath expresses exactly who we are. By breathing we connect with everything that is. We not only exchange our breath with the plants, but also with every other living being. Air does not have borders. Only vacuum creates a border and at the same time it creates a dead space.
The Air element in astrology is the mind, the thinking process, our capacity to analyze and compare, to connect and communicate and it is the higher mind for studies and a higher understanding of all there is. Our thoughts are like air, we cannot grab them, they cannot be seen but they are present and influence through our energy wherever we direct them. Do not underestimate the power of your thoughts. You will manifest what you are thinking. Be aware of what kind of thoughts you are giving your energy to.
The first air element in the chart is Gemini. Gemini is curiosity, fast thinking and fast understanding. Constantly adding up and upgrading the mind. There is no interest in long term and in stability. Gemini wants to know and when all the information has been extracted, it loses interest and goes to the next source of information. It connects to trading, single and perhaps complex operations with a beginning and an end. Gemini cultivates the thinking process and upgrades the mind like a very valuable application and it is self-serving. It is a mutable sign, which means it disolves patterns that are not useful anymore to make room for new ways to be.
The second air element in the chart is Libra. Libra is connection and communication. We want to be in relation with the other and especially we want to be liked and loved for who we are. Mutual understanding and acceptance is important and sometimes we do everything to be accepted. A Libra lesson is to love and accept yourself in order to be loved and accepted by others. Actually, if you love and accept yourself you could not care less if others love and accept you and this is very attractive for people around you. So, from a people pleaser you grow into a person that is loved and respected for who you are. Libras for me are like the wind, connecting everything and everybody they touch, the natural networkers. It is a cardinal sign, which means it constructs new ways of being and especially of being in relation.
The third air element in the chart is Aquarius. Aquarius is the higher mind, an elementary understanding of the whole. Here we go beyond space and time. We care about the society we live in and we honor and connect to all creation. We study, accumulate knowledge and feed it back into society. We are interested in the whole and make new connections. This is how we push evolution and look into the future. We bring the future into manifestation, always having in mind that it is useful for the whole. Aquarius is all-including but not necessarily environmental oriented. The society of Atlantis was not sustainable. So maybe this time, during the age of Aquarius, we succeed! It is a fixed sign, which means it tends to hold on to established knowledge and tends to preserve a staus quo.
In my chart, Air is highlighted from many points of view. I have learned and been Air and I am deepening my learning and knowledge during this lifetime. The air signs are guided by Mercury, Venus and Uranus. Trade, commerce and much love for astrology could be a very short description of my life’s interests!
Balance your air element within you and use your curiosity and your wish to be connected for your own inner growth. Bring the lightness of being in all your projects, cherish the freedom of living according to your own standards.
Bratara pentru echilibrarea energiei aerului.
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