Many people want to know what their spirit animal is, and they usually think of an eagle, a bear, a jaguar, a wolf, or an elephant. It is mostly an animal that is important and considered wild and strong.
But what if you search for your spirit animal and you find that it is an ant or a spider? Would you still embrace it?
A spirit animal strengthens you with its instincts and skills. Look at the virtues of the animal in the way that it hunts or forages, look how it feeds its offspring, look at the skills it uses to survive as an individual and as a species. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find!
If you look at it from this perspective, the ants and the spiders do not the underdogs anymore. Their attributes may be exacly what you need to integrate into your life right now.

The search for your spirit animal is usually done in meditation. Enter this journey with an open mind and do not be quick to dismiss what comes to you.
Let me give you an example; let’s say instead of connecting with a great and mighty jaguar a small turtle appears.
Let us call her Lily, a beautiful female turtle! She is sturdy and always protected by her shell. At first you might think she is slow, but she can be quite fast if she has a target, especially if she is motivated for a goal. When her circumstances are not favourable to her, she goes into hiding and sleeps through the crisis. She reduces her daily needs to a minimum and thus survives. She is very cautious of foreigners and with unknown things. However, she does not run away, but instead retreats into her shield and watches from safety until she grasps the situation.
By laying a lot of eggs she ensures that her geneological line carries on despite the many dangers her chiildren face.
This may be foreign to us as humans, when thinking of our children, but it might be very useful when we plan investments or make business proposals.
Does not seem so un-attractive anymore, no? Some of her skills might just be the right thing for you.
Circling pack to my previous point, we can now see that the more passive members of the animal kingdom should not be overlooked.
So, if you choose to meet your power animal in a guided meditation, consider anyone who comes through, to be in alignment with your devine soul being.

Do not hang on to the image of the jaguar and wonder why nothing happens. Ask for that animal to come through that is right in your present situation, even if it is very specific. Stay with the purpose of your search, not with the outcome. The universe will provide you with what you need, most probably much better than what you yourself could have thought of.
Your power animals might have come to you for a specific situation and then left or the same animal has been by your side the whole life. It will come to you whenever you ask for it. Like every relation, it needs attention, giving and receiving.
Power animals are not limited to just one per person. There are times when you need the expertise of another animal as well.
We are all different and the kind of relations we enter are individual. This also goes for power animals, spiritual guides and guardian angels and many more beings that are around us.
When I find a power animal for a client in shamanic work or my client finds it in meditation, I am always in for surprises and I accept them as they are.
During the guided meditation it is possible to ask the animal why they came, what they need from us or where we can integarate their skills. This communication can also be done throughout the day or at the end of the day to reflect on what happened. If you start such exercises, it will open a whole new world of possibilities and connecting with the animal kingdom. Give it a try, there is nothing to lose here!
I am always excited to go on these journeys with clients. Each time it is unique and eye-opening.
Are you ready to meet your spirit animal?
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