Fire has a mind of its own and it is a strong partner throughout my personal development. I am doing ceremonial fires on important dates of the year, as well, if I need clearing and cleaning out old behaviors, fears, stress and sorrow. This ceremony is based on the Andes. It still lives on in the communities there.
It was not my last fire, but a fire that is still talking to me, the fire of December, 21st, i.e. the winter solstice. It was a cold night and I was also looking forward to feel the warmth of the fire.
I had a guest from Russia, initiated by tuvinian shamans and she took one of our tuvinian drums to the fire. We were 7 or 8 people and built a wonderful, large fire.
A fire ceremony has its rules and after everyone got instructed, we opened the sacred space and ignited the fire. It took off very fast and strong and almost died down after a few minutes, the thicker wood remaining untouched by the blaze. I brought more dry twigs to the fire, with the same result. My guest stopped playing her tuvinian drum as she felt that the Andean fire rejected the tuvinian invasion. The only male participant took over bringing more twigs and paper and the fire rekindled, burning down the masculine fire structure and then the feminine fire structure took over and we had a strong and long-lasting fire with a very thick layer of ember.
My intention for the fire was to honor the shorter days, the darkness and the seeds that were planted and to welcome the light of the day, that will be growing every day from now on until the summer solstice.
There are very clear messages, not to infuse another tradition to and welcome and include the masculine. Certainly, there are many more messages for each of the participants as well as for me.
A fire that needs help to flourish, shows us that we have to add effort and be patient. It might take a bit more time and work for the new light to show up in me and in the world – so do not despair.
Going to fire usually has an intention and when the ceremony starts, you are fully connected with the fire at any time. We sing to the fire and we hold the space for each participant when his/her term comes to go to the fire and interact directly. We honor the elements and we honor the ancestors, all those who came before us can bring their offering to the fire.
My fires at home take place on the same land for many years. The spirits of this land know me well and are always present. During a fire I relate to all those who lived and worked on this land and thank them for their implication and for their work.
Since that fire, I have times of low energy and I need a boost to light up. One such boost was just recently, another fire ceremony! It was late in the evening when we arrived at the fire and I was very cold because we stood on frozen snow. The next day, I did more work than several days in a row in the week before, full of energy and feeling very much alive. The worries and stress accumulated in the last days were totally gone – and this energy lasts!
I invite those who were present at the winter solstice fire to add their experience about that unusual and very talkative fire ceremony. Looking back, where did you need to re-fuel? Where in your life do you need a boost and what is a boost for you?
My next fire ceremony is coming soon, let me know if you are interested to participate.
Monika Puiu
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