My thoughts today:
After exploring certain aspects of our lives with a lovely and small group of people during our monthly Astro Zoom the subject of power came up a lot. This is what I want to explore a bit more.
How do I hold my power?
Do I stand in my power?
What is it that makes me powerful?
Maybe the most basic of an approach to power is ‘power over’. When we need to have power over others, we are counteracting lifetimes of being powerless. We get away as far as possible from the experience of having been under the power of others or another. This exercising power over others comes in many forms.
It contains manipulations, doing things for others – as we do it better, or the very crude form in bullying, pushing others verbally or denying access for others to something they want or even have a right to. It is the perpetrator in the drama triangle. However powerful that person seems to be from the outside, inside there is always a lack and often the fear to be weak.

At the other side is total lack of power. People who subject themselves to those who seek power over them. We might be fast to say that nobody wants this, but it is a way to learn to get to the middle and it is a choice.
When we have explored both ends we learn to hold our own power and stand in our own power. Then we do not need to have power over others or live under the power of others anymore. We become empathic to other peoples situation, without trying to rescue anyone or even seeing the victim in another persons situation. We hold space, are available and help without solving other peoples situations.
Growing into accepting our own power has to do with accepting our shadow, those parts of ourselves that we did not want anybody to see, not even ourselves or especially not ourselves. It also means to accept our light, all those attributes that we admire in others but do not believe that we could ever have them.

This is hard work over many lifetimes it needs courage and dedication. We can work consciously or we let life push us. It is like the water finds its way to the sea – it will get there.
I work through this consciously, not to be in control, but to experience and learn what I have to, and move on. Always ready to change, accept the learning and not engage in the suffering.
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