What is a fulfilled life actually?
Everyone of us will have her or his own very specific answer and still we find so many good indications all over the internet how we can do that.
I am trying to collect a few main characteristics of a fulfilled life in my opinion.
It certainly is
– if we are able to meet our basic needs for food and shelter
– if we feel well and secure where we live and work
– if we are belonging! Belonging to a family, belonging to a community, to a society
– if we are heard
– if we are respected
– if our main occupation in life is what we really like to do
– if we follow our own path
– if we know how to listen to our body, mind and soul
– if we are happy with our body and feel healthy
The last one is the tricky one. Feeling happy with our body is not something we ever really learn. We rather learn to criticize our appearance and other’s appearances. In our western, so-called civilized world, we are acually criticized from birth onwards and we criticize to distinguish ourselves or to underline our superiority – in an attempt to feel better. Does it work? I would say this works for nobody.
Criticizing also stands for pushing forward, trying harder, doing better next time. That is very well, but we need to find that balance between a challenging criticizm and one that is keepping us small and finally we come to the conclusion that we never b e good enough.
Do we have to be perfect? Does our body have to be perfect? For who? Everyone of us has a body that is good in some ways and not so good in other ways. Let’s love ourselves as we are and we have a good basis for a fulfilled life.
Is health the absense of illness or is health the sum of how much we can love our body and feed it well. Feed it with good basic food, with much love and with being connected to it.
When I say in experiential astrology to listen to your body, even of those who want to experience something so strange, unheard of (experiential astrology), I often hear ‘I cannot do this’. We simply do not listen to our body. I have trained many years and it took time to find out how beneficial it is to listen to my body and at the same time how little we are used to do it in our daily life’s tasks. In my opinion it should go into the school’s curuculum so that children do not loose or forget this skill, but develop it. The benefit is big and it changes the way we respond to what happens to us. Changing how we respond is profoundly changing our life, because it will also change the way others respond to us.
Respond the way you want to be responded, even if you are not addressed the same way, and your life will be on the best way to feel fulfilled! Echo back love, not war and you will see what an enoumous difference it makes. Be available for love, not for war. Sometimes answering with a smile changes the atmosphere of a room. You have this power and it costs you nothing. You do not need to be money-rich to smile, money-poor people smile just the same.
What if we have a severe illness or just a passing one? It is also an expression of something that we have not addressed for a long time or something we have to learn and illness is one way to teach us. What if you see your illness not as something that has to pass as fast as possible but as a way the body teaches us a lesson. Our medical treatment is repairing the physical body and does not adress our energetical body, our spirit and our soul. Beyond the physical repair, as much as it helps us, we have to get ourselves on a quest, searching for the answers that are so difficult to find without the language of the body.
Last, but not least, almost all my subjects end in one attitude that is all-healing, universal and best of it all, trainable – gratitude and recognition for what you have and what you are able to do!
Also with gratitude, like with critizism, some will say that being happy with what you have will not push you for more and I say ‘wrong’ saying thank you for what you have feeling the love you get, felling love for your life, for your body, for who and what you are right now, goes hand in hand with wanting to be better, doing more, achieving and evolving.
I wish you a wonderful journey through your life and may you be grateful for every little step you take. Much love.
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