Our ‘spirit of abundance’ Petaltone essence and the lack of abundance in people’s lives often bring this subject up. How does it come that some people have so much and others barely survive and however much they work, it never seems to add up in their pockets.
When your reality is scarcity, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to believe in abundance in your life. It does not help to tell you that you have more than others, it still hurts and frustration is often a result of it. All that leads to a spiral downwards instead of upwards.
What really needs to happen is going way back in time. I mean to work with your ancestry line and to work with your soul’s imprints of lifetimes in scarcity and great losses. Discover your limiting beliefs and work with them. Most of the time lifting limiting beliefs does not happen overnight in one session of therapy. It needs constant work and awareness about when and how you limit yourself.
The very bad news is that it is you who sets the limits, not circumstances, not the government and not the rich ones on earth. Our marketing concepts as well do not help here, because scarcity is a way to promote. “Buy now or it will be gone!”
The seed of limiting wealth is firmly planted in our everyday reality. There cannot be enough for everyone so I have to hold on to what I have and be fast to get more of it before others take it.

That belief is diametrically opposite to generosity. But it is generosity and gratitude that really invite abundance into your awareness and into everyday reality. Generosity is not limited to giving money to the more needy ones, generosity is a way of life.
Be generous with kindness
Be generous with laughter
Be generous with happiness about the wealth/gain/luck of others
Be generous with spreading good vibes and lead on with a happy attitude
Be generous with your ideas in discussion
Be generous with your knowledge
Be generous with unconditional love
None of the above involves spending money, but creates an air, a vibe, an aura of generosity around you that attracts the same to you. Money is nothing but the energy you get back for what you are seeding.
A big way to stop the flow of abundance is to look into other people’s wealth or lifestyle. ‘Why does this one has what I do not have?’ That is totally useless and really counterproductive. It does not matter if the other person is a good person or a bad person, this is your perception. We never truly know other people’s heart. You are never in the other person’s skin, so do not compare, just stop it. Do more of what gives you joy and happiness and you will harvest the results. This is natural law not my invention, it simply is the law of attraction.
Are you ready to change your reality, are you ready to do the work that is needed to change your perception, your outdated guidelines and beliefs? Or is it still convenient to blame others and remain in your old ingrained habits? That sounds tough but it is true, unless you change the way you act and react, change the way you respond to what happens to you, nothing will change, nobody around you will change and you will attract the same kind of people, events and circumstances.
It is as counterproductive to blame yourself. Give yourself all the generosity that I pointed out above.
Be kind to yourself
Laugh about yourself
Be happy when you get a compliment or an appraisal
Feel the wealth in your life – everybody is wealthy in some way
Feel the joy other people spread and accept it as yours
Praise yourself for your skills and ideas
Praise yourself for the knowledge you accumulated
Love yourself unconditionally
When you start asking what you have to learn from your personal situation, then you start walking out of scarcity and trauma, into an abundant life.
I am happy to walk a part of this journey with you if you want. Let me know if you are interested!

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