Curriculum Vitae


Monika Maria Puiu

Experiential astrologer, shamanic therapist and life coach


PREVIOUS: Administrator and Managing Director

EDUCATION: University of Linz

Personal Details

  • Birthday: June 15 1956
  • Nationality: Austrian citizen
  • Born as: Monika Maria Platzer

The essence of my life’s journey

Today I am deeply grateful of the life I’ve got and looking behind I can say I am satisfied with the way i’ve dealt with the challenges and the unexpected events I had in my life.

I was born in Austria and grew up there, sheltered, happy and well sustained by my parents. During my school and educational period, missing a day was not an option, not for me and not for most of us. Responsibility figured and still figures big in my world.

Astrology came early into my life. In early 70’s I’ve made my first steps into exploring my inner world and I’ve started to connect with people, understand what made them move. Through karmic astrology I came to energy work, meditation and Crystals and through Crystals i started to connect with rocks and then the bridge to shamanism and energetic work was just my natural path.

My shamanic path started with ‘Spirit of the Inca’ and the energy medicine that I received from Chris Waters and her team in England and Romania. It’s a profound tranformation, a good base for leadership as you learn to live in the first place by the natural laws that govern all live on earth.

Travelling to Peru to learn from the Paqos there and to learn from the land directly - so many stories and mysteries of life, is an essential part of my work. In Russia in the Tuvan Republik I met with the shamans from there and learned about their work and their ceremonies, understanding that even if we all work with the same source, expressions are quite different.

You cannot be a bit of a shaman, like you cannot be a bit pregnant, it is either ‘no’ or ‘yes’.

I also did the training with the Soutions Surfers school of coaching, with Petra Mueller-Demury, just to complement my knowledge about therapy. It was a big surprise how profound coaching can be and how many elements are quite similar to energy work. Even if in coaching we do not talk about energy, we draw from the same source and I just cannot do a coaching session without feeling into the present energies.

From a certain point I understood that the development comes in many forms. Everything that happens to me is important and most important is my response to what happens. Once I started to walk on this path, there is no turning back. All I do is walk ahead with an open heart and taking in what is coming to me.

While for many years this was my very private world, time came when I realised that all these teachings, all this education became an integral part of me and even if I did not talk about it to my business partners and colleagues, it came through everything i did and I do.

So, after 45 years of working in commerce and founding and leading companies in the field of local and international trade, I made a sharp turn, I retired from my career in business and started to apply what I have learned all my life on the energetic side.

Today I support people in our center Wayra Astrae in Bucharest in integratating spirituality in their lives - using tools such as: coaching, experiential and karmic astrology and shamanic therapies and ceremonies.

I am especially grateful to Judy Hall, my mentor, karmic astrology teacher, crystal therapist and energetic healer. From her and with her I learned so much by participating in many workshops, in travelling together and doing ceremonies together. Other important astrological sources are Jeffrey Wolf Green, through his books and videos and personal guidance or online with Zsuzsanna Griga, Kaypacha and Sandra Nicolaysen.




  • EnglishEnglish: Advanced
  • SpanishDeutch: Advanced
  • FrançaiseRomanian: Advanced